
Alice in Wonderland syndrome

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

Abstract correcting edit summary

Alice in Wonderland syndrome: temporal and physical sense of disorder (Alice in Wonderland symptoms (AIWS), or called "as the micro-syndrome", is a neurological phenomenon of a highly confusing, which affect human visual perception.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome - About Alice in Wonderland symptoms (AIWS), or called "as the micro-syndrome", is a neurological phenomenon of a highly confusing, which affects human visual perception. Suffering from this vision of human and animal diseases, will target some people and no more important than real life much smaller. These objects are often perceived, will appear at the same time was too great too far or very close. For example, a size of a normal car, it may be seem a little toy. And a pet dog may be seen as only a mouse size. [1]

Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a rare migraine aura. The main symptoms of the syndrome is the deformation, that body sensation and visual distortions, but I also clearly know that this patient is an illusion. Alice in Wonderland syndrome can occur at any age, but more occur in childhood. From the view of some reports, many patients recover on their own after growing up, but there are exceptions. Not cure the disease, the only way to improve learning with only symbiosis.

