
Rectal cancer

Rectal cancer

Abstract correcting edit summary

Cancer is a common gastrointestinal malignancy in the incidence of stomach and esophageal cancer is second only to the most common part of colon cancer (60% or so) most genes in 40 patients over the age of 30 years of age account for about 15% of men See more male to female ratio 2-3:1, cancer is a lifestyle disease. Currently, it has been ranked second in the list of cancer, so diet, lifestyle is the root of cancer.


Cancer is a common gastrointestinal malignancy in the incidence of stomach and esophageal cancer is second only to the most common part of colon cancer (60% or so) most genes in 40 patients over the age of 30 years of age account for about 15% of men See more male to female ratio 2-3:1, cancer is a lifestyle disease. Currently, it has been ranked second in the list of cancer, so diet, lifestyle is the root of cancer.

Cancer - causes

Cancer knowledge

To the current date is still not very clear, but most of that food or heredity. The past ten years, all aspects of the study show that intake of acidic foods is the culprit for cancer, cancer is the acidic representative. In food, meat, protein, fat intake increased a lot, colorectal significant increase, 30 teenage cancer patients get quite a few.

(1) based on clinical and epidemiological investigation is generally believed that with the following aspects:

1, diet (acidic foods and alkaline foods): cancer patients is a typical acidic, there is precisely the origin of acidic body is excessive intake of acidic foods or habits of the error. Cancer is a typical hi acidic cells. The formation of acidic normal cell cancerous, is already double the growth of cancer cells forming. And epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of colorectal cancer and the economic situation, there is a clear link diet. Economically developed areas, animal fat and protein diet in the proportion of high cellulose content and low incidence of regional and group significantly higher. Diet and the relationship between colorectal cancer exact mechanism is not clear in general that may be associated with animal fat metabolism, bacterial decomposition products and low-fiber diet as a state, slowing peristalsis, intestinal absorption of toxins increase and other factors.

2, colon polyps: Colon polyps can be divided into adenomatous polyps, hyperplastic polyp, inflammatory polyp, and hamartomatous polyps. According to the histological structure of polyps adenomatous polyps and villous polyps can be divided into tubular polyps; according to the number of colon polyps and Heredity, adenomatous polyps can be divided into single, multiple, and family history of polyposis.

3, colorectal chronic inflammation: acidic causing chronic ulcerative colitis, chronic schistosomiasis, granuloma formation etc. and the incidence of colorectal cancer are directly related. The longer the duration, the higher the possibility of occurrence of colorectal cancer, illness of more than 20 years of ulcerative colitis patients with colorectal cancer occur in approximately 20-40%.

4, genetic factors: in addition to familial polyposis or ulcerative colitis induced malignant transformation of colorectal cancer patients and patients with colorectal cancer in the other, about 5-10% of patients had significant family history of cancer, collectively known as Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer family (HereditaryNonpolyposisColorectalCancer, HNPCC), also known as Lynch syndrome. Specific performance:

(1) there are three or more family members with colorectal cancer, in which two or more of the same generation;

(2) at least two generations per capita have a similar disease;

(3) at least one in 50 colorectal cancer diagnosed before the age.

In short, the formation of colon cancer is caused by many factors, the most critical is the acidification of body fluids, to the growth of cancer cells to create a good living space. All the external factors, mainly through bodily fluids acidification work, so acidic body is the real culprit cancer.

Cancer - clinical manifestations

(A) change of bowel habits, bloody stool, blood and pus, tenesmus, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

(B) tapered stool bowel obstruction in late, there were thin and even cachexia

(C) of the digital rectal examination: diagnosis of cancer is Shuodao the steps necessary to check about 80% of the cancer patient when the doctor can be naturally found in digital rectal examination was graduated reach of uneven quality hard mass; late to reach the narrow lumen mass fixed finger see dirty with feces of sepsis

(D) rectum microscopy: can glimpse the shape of parts of the tumor size and directly involved in tissue obtained for pathologic examination

Rectal cancer - diagnosis is based on

(A) and nature of change in bowel habits

(2) microscopic examination digital rectal examination and rectal well-known quality found in the rectum hard irregular mass of tissue in-depth review confirm the disease

Eat good food prevent cancer, has the potential to decrease the incidence of cancer itching 30% -60%. Daily diet, including fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods and other basic foods is essential, is very important.

Cancer - Treatment

1, surgical treatment: surgery is the most direct patients to choose the most, but too few people to adapt to surgical treatment.

2, addition of local non-surgical treatment: including direct electrocautery in liquid nitrogen, etc.

3, radiation therapy

4, chemotherapy

5, immunotherapy: 80 years since the 20th century, led by the United States and Japan, scientists Maitake (Maitake, also known as Grifola frondosa) research has made breakthroughs in cancer patients to bring a new treatment, achieve a more satisfactory results. Maitake contains to β-(1-6) combined with the main chain of β-(1-3) combined with the side chain of the glucan and to β-(1-3) combined with the main chain of β-(1-6 ) glucan binding activity for the side chain, experiments prove that the activity of glucan by activation of immune function and inhibit tumor growth; also found that the activity of purified glucan can be markedly only by injection, and Maitake D- fraction (activity of a combination of glucan and protein) can be obtained by oral administration of the desired results. Maitake D-fraction both the chemical structure and composition or molecular weight are different from the mushroom, Coriolus versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum, mushroom extracts and other similar substances, the biological activity of these same substances are also unmatched.

Animal experiments and clinical trials show that Maitake D-fraction is played by the following aspects to the role of anti-cancer:

1, activation of phagocytic cells, natural killer cells, T cells and other harmful immune cells, induction of leukocyte factors, interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α and other cytokines.

2, induction of apoptosis.

3, with traditional chemotherapy drugs (mitomycin, Kamosiding, etc.) combined, can increase efficacy, but also reduce side effects during chemotherapy.

4, and immune therapy (interferon-α2b) a synergistic effect.

5, reduce pain in patients with advanced cancer, increase appetite, improve patient quality of life.

U.S. health food company Mike is the first system Maitake authority enterprises, the drops produced by Maitake refined to improve the quality of life of cancer patients can play very good.

References: http://www.maitake.com.cn

Cancer - Prevention

Direct physical exercise

The results show that:

① cancer can not be formed in weak alkaline body;

② cancer only in the formation of acid in the body;

③ If you have cancer, indicating the body is acidic;

④ cancer can only be extended in an acidic body;

⑤ If your body is weak alkaline, cancer can not be extended;

⑥ If you can balance the PH value of your body, let your body into weak alkaline, no matter what you have to have change and be cured of cancer;

⑦ no matter how bad your situation, even if only live 6 months, if you can change your body into weak alkaline PH value, you will not be extended to cancer, will be good;

⑧ Do not worry your family, your mom, dad or anyone else has cancer, as long as your body is alkaline, you will not have to, if you already have, it will change;

⑨ are acidic body fluids of cancer survival, nothing else. If your body is acidic, you will get cancer. If it is weak base, and you will not get cancer. If you already have cancer, as long as you can adjust your body's PH value to weak alkaline, cancer will leave you.

Cancer prevention tips are very simple things as basic food in order to prevent the accumulation of acid waste, because the acidification of the fluid environment is fertile ground for normal cell cancerous, adjust the pH balance of body fluids is an effective way to prevent cancer.

A) to develop good habits, smoking cessation alcohol limit. Smoking, the World Health Organization predicts that if people are not smoking, five years later, the world's cancer will be reduced 1 / 3; Second, do not drink. Tobacco and alcohol are very acid acid, long-term smokers who drink, easily lead to acidic.

B) Do not eat too much salty and spicy food, do not eat heat, cold, late and bad food; frail or have a disease genes are appropriate to eat a number of anti-cancer foods and high alkali content alkaline food, maintain a good mental state.

C) have a good mentality to cope with stress, work and rest, do not fatigue. Shows that pressure is an important incentive cancer, Chinese medicine practitioners believe that stress caused by fatigue physically weak and thus lead to decreased immune function, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, resulting in the deposition of acid substances; pressure can lead to stagnation of qi and blood stasis caused by mental stress, toxic fire retraction so.

D) to enhance physical activity, physical fitness, sports and more in the sun, sweating more acid the body can be excreted with the sweat and avoid the formation of acidic.

E) to the law of life, habits are not regular people, such as through the night singing karaoke OK, play mahjong, night out and other living without law, will increase the acidic, prone to cancer. Should develop good habits to maintain alkaline body, so far from various types of cancer diseases.

F) not to eat contaminated food, such as contaminated water, crops, poultry, fish balls, moldy food, eat green organic food, to prevent the disease from the mouth.

Colorectal cancer - acid foods

Fruits and vegetables

1. Strongly acidic foods: egg yolk, cheese, white sugar or persimmon, mullet roe, dried cod.

2. In the acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken, tuna fish, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat

And so on.

3. Weak acid food: rice, peanut, beer, wine, fried tofu, seaweed, clams, octopus, loach.

4. Weak alkaline food: red beans, carrots, apples, cabbage, onions, tofu.

5. In the basic food: dried radish, beans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, pumpkin, strawberry, protein, prunes, lemons, spinach.

6. Strongly alkaline food: Qiama old, grapes, tea, kelp buds, kelp, lemon.

Cancer - Diet therapy

恰玛 ancient

The best choice for therapeutic treatment as the main ingredient is Qiama old.

Qiama ancient Uighurs in Xinjiang more than 2,000 eating a food, Qiama ancient records in the pharmacopoeia are lung, relieving cough and lung diseases is very good, it is the only cancer worldwide effective food Qiama contained elements of ancient plants that can not be achieved by experts as the "longevity fruit holy", implying, Qiama old is the only hope for cancer patients, the real life-saving straw.

Needs special attention is that after patients took Qiama old, had some time to have a strong detoxification reaction, the product of human waste out of the body of those. These circumstances, do not be afraid, all is normal.

【Product Name】 longevity of ancient holy fruit Qiama

The main components Qiama ancient

The product formula confidential details, the main ingredients of the ancient Qiama

【Properties】 warm

】 【Role and mechanism

Qiama ancient organic-rich active alkali plant, quickly absorbed by the body. Qiama old can also add elements of the human body needs to supplement the body needs protein, flavonoids, saponins on cancer cells are inhibited linoleic acid.

【Functions and Indications】

This product is applicable to various types of diabetes and cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, bile duct cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, various types of small cell carcinoma, lung cancer, skin cancer, bladder cancer , various types of cancer, leukemia, etc., on the high white blood cell leukemia and transfer to the bone effects of various types of advanced cancer significantly.


Avoid fasting, ban spicy, alcohol; to maintain emotional stability, to avoid lit. Some patients taking increased after defecation is a normal symptom, usually resume within a week; some cancer patients after taking Tuisuan, fatigue and other conditions, is a sign of illness from the effects; the taking of individual patients, the feeling of stomach discomfort, can be properly reduced volume.

