


Abstract correcting edit summary

Pica pica, also known disease, refers to the children like to eat things that can not eat, such as mud, sand, salt, wool top, but different food happy, do not eat not comfortable, is a kinds of psychological disorders of compulsive behavior, mainly psychological factors.

Pica - Overview

Pica is due to metabolism disorders, anomalies and taste caused by improper feeding and management a very complex syndrome of many diseases. People suffering from this disease or poultry continuing to bite some non-nutritional substances such as clay, paper, dirt, etc.. The past, people always thought, pica body is mainly due to the lack of zinc, iron and other trace elements caused. More and more doctors believe that pica is mainly caused by psychological factors. But its real causes and treatment has not any substantial progress.

Pica - causes

The main reason is the psychological factor, is a psychological disorder of compulsive behavior, mostly occurs in 1 ½ to 6 years old children birth of a child right in the world do not understand the objective, Zhi know to eat, what Du Wang mouth Nei radiotherapy slightly Yi Hou still like to stuff


Their mouths, not at this time if care can not be allowed to develop in time to stop it developed a habit of casually eat anything.

Also some sick children, such as parasites, roundworm disease, addicted to eating dirt, Qiangpi, constipation or diarrhea, stool can see the egg, there are hookworm, yellow face, lips, nails are pale, weight loss, fatigue, poor appetite, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, in addition to some vitamin deficiency can also cause different eating disorder, such as zinc, not only can eat foreign acts have glossitis, stomatitis growth and development, not only iron deficiency anemia caused by iron deficiency, also have different food, hyperactivity, abnormal behavior and inattention.

Pica - behavior

Pica child's performance is different food, eat smaller things, big things on the lick with his tongue, do not listen to people to discourage, while hiding quietly swallowed.

Pica - Hazard

Pica child's performance is different food, eat smaller things, the larger East


West to lick with his tongue, do not listen to people to discourage, while hiding quietly swallowed, the danger lies not in their behavior itself, but to eat after the children harm the body, can cause many diseases.

Also some sick children, such as parasites, roundworm disease, addicted to eating dirt, Qiangpi, constipation or diarrhea, stool can see the egg, there are hookworm, yellow face, lips, nails are pale, weight loss, fatigue, poor appetite, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, in addition to some vitamin deficiency can also cause different eating disorder, such as zinc, not only can eat foreign acts have glossitis, stomatitis, affecting growth and development, may also have different food, hyperactivity , attention and other behavioral disorders.

Pica - Treatment

Treatment of the disease requires parents often pay attention to the basic requirements of child physical and mental health conditions, such as to provide comprehensive nutrition, develop good eating habits, not picky eaters, not a partial eclipse. Parents would have enough time after work and children, intimacy, play, to meet him


Have emotional and psychological needs, lest they unusual aspects to seek stimulation and comfort. Serious cases, to take them to see a psychiatrist, and taking appropriate drugs to improve mood.

If timely insect parasites, anemia correction, iron zinc, but also improve public health education, early age to develop good health habits, take good care of each infant, told him to eat what can not Wow, correct bad habits, pica can be good.

