
BLASCHKO stripe disease

BLASCHKO stripe disease

Abstract correcting edit summary

Blaschko stripe symptoms are very strange and mysterious a symptom, the body covered with stripes.

BLASCHKO stripe disease - Introduction

Blaschko stripe disease

Blaschko patients with buff stripes article, stripe disease is a very, very strange symptoms in 1910 by a German scholar of Dermatology found in the human anatomy. Stripes, established in the human DNA in recessive pattern. A lot of skin and mucous membranes of congenital and genetic diseases will follow the pattern shown. The formation of a human body markings. The etiology of these markings is considered a result of mosaic phenomena, and nerves, muscles and lymphatic system independent, more striking, they are patients in a month has shown very similar stripe, usually in the form of spinal "V" shape or in the chest, abdomen and sides of the formation of the body "S" shape.

